Current Projects

Quantifying household-level effects of energy intervention programs

Past Publications

Ian H. Rowlands and Gord Stephen, Vulnerable Households and the Smart Grid in Ontario: Emerging Challenges and Opportunities (Toronto, ON: Metcalf Foundation)

Past Presentations

Gord Stephen and Ian H. Rowlands, New data, new questions, new methods? Exploring alternate methodological tools for end-use electricity intervention analyses (presentation - Ontario Network for Sustainable Energy Policy Workshop, April 2016)

Gord Stephen, Energy efficiency gains in residential households: assessing sociotechnical potential remotely (interactive poster - Energy Council of Canada Canadian Energy Summit, May 2015)

Gord Stephen and Ian H. Rowlands, Working for socio-economic equity in Ontario's emerging Smart Grid: Historical analogues and lessons from other jurisdictions (presentation - Ontario Network for Sustainable Energy Policy Workshop, April 2015)


Time series model fitting via Kalman smoothing and EM estimation in TimeModels.jl